I don't know why recently you keep appear in my daily life
usually you slowly trying get out of my life but suddenly
you appear again and even in my dreams
You smiled to me in my dreams but in real life
you just pass by me in a cold way and it seems like I'm invisible to you
I just can look you pass by me
I do really wish my dreams were true , but its hard
The dreams made me think back all the past
and I feel that it is telling me that
Don't hate it ,Love it
But sometimes when I think of the past,I felt that theres not only ad moments
there are happy moments too
But, what can I do? I could just miss it cause I know it won't happen again
and now I only could stand aside and wish the girl that you love and you
will be the most happy couple in the world
thats what I can do right now
I love looking at you when you walk by me
cause I knew that yo were happy
and its good for you
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